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技术 2022年11月19日
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Little boxes on the hillside. 
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky. 
Little boxes. 
Little boxes. 
Little boxes all the same. 
There are a green boxes, and b pink boxes. 
And c blue boxes and d yellow boxes. 
And they are all made out of ticky-tacky. 
And they all look just the same. 

InputThe input has several test cases. The first line contains the integer t (1 ≤ t ≤ 10) which is the total number of test cases. 
For each test case, a line contains four non-negative integers a, b, c and d where a, b, c, d ≤ 2^62, indicating the numbers of green boxes, pink boxes, blue boxes and yellow boxes. 
OutputFor each test case, output a line with the total number of boxes. 
Sample Input

1 2 3 4
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
111 222 333 404

Sample Output

题解: 题意就是求a+b+c+d的结果
 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// base and base_digits must be consistent
constexpr int base = ;
constexpr int base_digits = ;
struct bigint{
vector<int> z;
int sign;
bigint() : sign() {}
bigint(long long v) { *this = v; }
bigint& operator=(long long v)
sign = v < ? - : ;
for(; v > ; v = v / base) z.push_back((int)(v % base));
return *this;
} bigint(const string& s) { read(s); } bigint& operator+=(const bigint& other)
if (sign == other.sign)
for (int i = , carry = ; i < other.z.size() || carry; ++i)
if(i==z.size()) z.push_back();
z[i] += carry + (i < other.z.size() ? other.z[i] : );
carry = z[i] >= base;
if(carry) z[i] -= base;
else if (other != /* prevent infinite loop */)
*this -= -other;
return *this;
} friend bigint operator+(bigint a, const bigint& b)
return a += b;
} bigint& operator-=(const bigint& other)
if (sign == other.sign)
if (sign == && *this >= other || sign == - && *this <= other)
for (int i = , carry = ; i < other.z.size() || carry; ++i)
z[i] -= carry + (i < other.z.size() ? other.z[i] : );
carry = z[i] < ;
if(carry) z[i] += base;
*this = other - *this;
this->sign = -this->sign;
else *this += -other;
return *this;
} friend bigint operator - (bigint a,const bigint& b)
return a -= b;
} bigint& operator*=(int v)
if(v<) sign=-sign,v=-v;
for(int i=,carry=;i<z.size() || carry;++i)
if(i==z.size()) z.push_back();
long long cur = (long long)z[i] * v + carry;
carry = (int)(cur / base);
z[i] = (int)(cur % base);
return *this;
} bigint operator*(int v) const
return bigint(*this) *= v;
} friend pair<bigint, bigint> divmod(const bigint& a1, const bigint& b1)
int norm = base / (b1.z.back() + );
bigint a = a1.abs() * norm;
bigint b = b1.abs() * norm;
bigint q, r;
q.z.resize(a.z.size()); for (int i = (int)a.z.size() - ; i >= ; i--)
r*=base; r+=a.z[i];
int s1 = b.z.size() < r.z.size() ? r.z[b.z.size()] : ;
int s2 = b.z.size() - < r.z.size() ? r.z[b.z.size() - ] : ;
int d = (int)(((long long)s1 * base + s2) / b.z.back());
r -= b * d;
while(r < ) r+=b,--d;
q.z[i] = d;
} q.sign = a1.sign * b1.sign;
r.sign = a1.sign;
return {q, r / norm};
} friend bigint sqrt(const bigint& a1)
bigint a=a1;
while(a.z.empty()||a.z.size()%==) a.z.push_back(); int n = a.z.size();
int firstDigit = (int)::sqrt((double)a.z[n - ] * base + a.z[n - ]);
int norm = base / (firstDigit + );
a *= norm;
a *= norm;
while(a.z.empty()||a.z.size()%==) a.z.push_back(); bigint r = (long long)a.z[n - ] * base + a.z[n - ];
firstDigit = (int)::sqrt((double)a.z[n - ] * base + a.z[n - ]);
int q = firstDigit;
bigint res;
for (int j = n / - ; j >= ; j--)
bigint r1=(r-(res**base+q)*q)*base*base+(j>?(long long)a.z[*j-]*base+a.z[*j-]:);
if(r1>=) { r=r1; break; }
int d1 = res.z.size() + < r.z.size() ? r.z[res.z.size() + ] : ;
int d2 = res.z.size() + < r.z.size() ? r.z[res.z.size() + ] : ;
int d3 = res.z.size() < r.z.size() ? r.z[res.z.size()]:;
q = (int)(((long long)d1*base*base+(long long)d2*base+d3)/(firstDigit*));
} res.trim();
return res / norm;
} bigint operator/(const bigint& v) const
return divmod(*this, v).first;
} bigint operator%(const bigint& v) const
return divmod(*this, v).second;
} bigint& operator/=(int v)
if(v<) sign=-sign,v=-v;
for (int i = (int)z.size() - , rem = ; i >= ; --i)
long long cur = z[i] + rem * (long long)base;
z[i] = (int)(cur / v);
rem = (int)(cur % v);
return *this;
} bigint operator/(int v) const
return bigint(*this) /= v;
} int operator%(int v) const
if(v<) v=-v;
int m=;
for(int i=(int)z.size()-;i>=;--i) m=(int)((z[i]+m*(long long)base)%v);
return m * sign;
} bigint& operator*=(const bigint& v)
*this = *this * v;
return *this;
} bigint& operator/=(const bigint& v)
*this = *this / v;
return *this;
} bool operator<(const bigint& v) const
if(sign!=v.sign) return sign < v.sign;
if(z.size()!=v.z.size()) return z.size()*sign<v.z.size()*v.sign;
for(int i = (int)z.size() - ; i >= ; i--)
if(z[i] != v.z[i]) return z[i] * sign < v.z[i] * sign;
return false;
} bool operator>(const bigint& v) const { return v < *this; }
bool operator<=(const bigint& v) const { return !(v < *this); }
bool operator>=(const bigint& v) const { return !(*this < v); }
bool operator==(const bigint& v) const { return !(*this < v) && !(v < *this); }
bool operator!=(const bigint& v) const { return *this < v || v < *this; } void trim()
while(!z.empty() && z.back() == ) z.pop_back();
if(z.empty()) sign = ;
} bool isZero() const { return z.empty(); } friend bigint operator-(bigint v)
if(!v.z.empty()) v.sign = -v.sign;
return v;
} bigint abs() const
return sign == ? *this : -*this;
} long long longValue() const
long long res = ;
for(int i = (int)z.size() - ; i >= ; i--) res = res * base + z[i];
return res * sign;
} friend bigint gcd(const bigint& a, const bigint& b)
return b.isZero() ? a : gcd(b, a % b);
} friend bigint lcm(const bigint& a, const bigint& b)
return a / gcd(a, b) * b;
} void read(const string& s)
sign = ;
int pos = ;
while(pos < s.size() && (s[pos] == '-' || s[pos] == '+'))
if(s[pos] == '-') sign = -sign;
for(int i=(int)s.size()-;i>=pos;i-=base_digits)
int x=;
for(int j=max(pos,i-base_digits+);j<=i;j++) x=x*+s[j]-'';
} friend istream& operator>>(istream& stream, bigint& v)
string s;
stream >> s;
return stream;
} friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& stream, const bigint& v)
if(v.sign == -) stream << '-';
stream << (v.z.empty() ? : v.z.back());
for(int i = (int)v.z.size() - ; i >= ; --i)
stream << setw(base_digits) << setfill('') << v.z[i];
return stream;
} static vector<int> convert_base(const vector<int>& a, int old_digits, int new_digits)
vector<long long> p(max(old_digits, new_digits) + );
p[] = ;
for(int i=;i<p.size();i++) p[i]=p[i-]*;
vector<int> res;
long long cur = ;
int cur_digits = ;
for(int v : a)
cur += v * p[cur_digits];
cur_digits += old_digits;
while (cur_digits >= new_digits)
res.push_back(int(cur % p[new_digits]));
cur /= p[new_digits];
cur_digits -= new_digits;
while(!res.empty() && res.back()==)
return res;
} typedef vector<long long> vll;
static vll karatsubaMultiply(const vll& a, const vll& b)
int n=a.size();
vll res(n + n);
if(n <= )
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
for (int j = ; j < n; j++)
res[i + j] += a[i] * b[j];
return res;
} int k = n >> ;
vll a1(a.begin(), a.begin() + k);
vll a2(a.begin() + k, a.end());
vll b1(b.begin(), b.begin() + k);
vll b2(b.begin() + k, b.end());
vll a1b1 = karatsubaMultiply(a1, b1);
vll a2b2 = karatsubaMultiply(a2, b2);
for(int i=;i<k;i++) a2[i]+=a1[i];
for(int i=;i<k;i++) b2[i]+=b1[i]; vll r = karatsubaMultiply(a2, b2);
for(int i=;i<a1b1.size();i++) r[i]-=a1b1[i];
for(int i=;i<a2b2.size();i++) r[i]-=a2b2[i];
for(int i=;i<r.size();i++) res[i+k]+=r[i];
for(int i=;i<a1b1.size();i++) res[i]+=a1b1[i];
for(int i = ;i<a2b2.size();i++) res[i+n]+=a2b2[i];
return res;
} bigint operator*(const bigint& v) const
vector<int> a6=convert_base(this->z,base_digits,);
vector<int> b6=convert_base(v.z,base_digits,);
vll a(a6.begin(),a6.end());
vll b(b6.begin(),b6.end());
while(a.size()<b.size()) a.push_back();
while(b.size()<a.size()) b.push_back();
while(a.size()&(a.size()-)) a.push_back(),b.push_back();
vll c=karatsubaMultiply(a, b);
bigint res;
res.sign = sign * v.sign;
for (int i = , carry = ; i < c.size(); i++)
long long cur = c[i] + carry;
res.z.push_back((int)(cur % ));
carry = (int)(cur / );
res.z = convert_base(res.z, , base_digits);
return res;
int main()
bigint a, b, c, d;
int T; cin >> T;
cin >>a>>b>>c>>d;
cout<<a<<endl; }
return ;


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