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技术 2022年11月23日
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SVG & getBBox


  const paths = [...svgDOM.querySelectorAll('path')];
paths.sort((p1, p2) => {
let bbox1 = p1.getBBox();
let bbox2 = p2.getBBox();
// area size ???
return bbox1.width * bbox1.height > bbox2.width * bbox2.height ? -1 : 1;



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<svg width="503px" height="201px" viewBox="0 0 503 201" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!-- Generator: Sketch 53 (72520) - https://sketchapp.com -->
<desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>
<g id="Page-1" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd">
<g id="Group" stroke="#979797">
<path d="M4.38721467,1.4235713 C59.7165062,1.54698994 115.052053,0.918023607 170.375089,1.79382724 C227.433418,2.69710179 249.992895,63.9728163 239.941091,114.442228 C235.910943,134.677325 212.350177,157.135741 196.017797,167.282477 C164.156433,187.076828 70.6314282,142.459532 58.182101,137.795924 C38.324153,130.356993 31.9738723,115.324132 23.3896517,95.5788692 C9.10509367,62.7217974 3.34577363,43.8445274 1.25793506,10.0733803 L4.38721467,1.4235713 Z" id="Path"></path>
<path d="M472.25,76.3671875 C449.049028,101.903828 427.709436,153.150454 449.261719,185.628906 C459.747498,201.430568 500.227095,209.243672 501.375,181.515625 C502.37375,157.390456 502.225265,133.208983 501.375,109.078125 C500.481543,83.7214536 481.523964,92.0067994 466.945312,77.5078125" id="Path-2" fill="#D65252"></path>

const addSVG = (svg) => {
this.bgSVG = svg;
// 插入 svg
let div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = svg;
let styleTag = div.querySelectorAll('style')[0];
if (styleTag) {
let polygons = Array.prototype.slice.apply(div.querySelectorAll('polygon'))
let polylines = Array.prototype.slice.apply(div.querySelectorAll('polyline'))
let paths = Array.prototype.slice.apply(div.querySelectorAll('path'))
let rects = Array.prototype.slice.apply(div.querySelectorAll('rect'))
let texts = Array.prototype.slice.apply(div.querySelectorAll('text')) paths.sort((p1, p2) => {
let bbox1 = p1.getBBox()
let bbox2 = p2.getBBox()
return bbox1.width * bbox1.height > bbox2.width * bbox2.height ? -1 : 1
}).forEach((p) => {
let result = []
let pathData = p.getAttribute('d');
// STEP1: path to points
let points = pathDataToPolys(pathData, {tolerance: 1, decimals: 1})[0];
console.log(`points`, points);
// debugger;
result = points.map(p => new Point(p[0], p[1]));
// result = points.map((p) => {
// log(p[0], p[1])
// return new Point(p[0], p[1])
// })
// STEP2: points to polygons
let polygon = new Polygon(result);
let fill = Polygon.getFillColorFromNode(p);
polygon.fill = fill; // 存储 Features
if (result.length) {
this.$store.dispatch('addFeature', polygon);
}) polygons.forEach((p) => {
let polygon = Polygon.fromSVG(p)
this.$store.dispatch('addFeature', polygon)
}) polylines.forEach((p) => {
let polygon = Polygon.fromSVG(p)
this.$store.dispatch('addFeature', polygon)
}) // 存储 texts
texts.forEach((text) => {
var transform = text.getAttribute('transform')
var matrixTransform = transform && transform.match(/^matrix\(([^)se]+)\)$/i)
matrixTransform = matrixTransform && matrixTransform[1]
var transformX = matrixTransform ? +matrixTransform.split(' ')[4] : 0
var transformY = matrixTransform ? +matrixTransform.split(' ')[5] : 0
var x = +text.getAttribute('x')
var y = +text.getAttribute('y') if (x === 0 && y === 0) {
var tspan = text.getElementsByTagName('tspan')[0]
if (tspan) {
x = +tspan.getAttribute('x')
y = +tspan.getAttribute('y')
} this.$store.dispatch('addText', {
text: text.textContent.trim(),
coordinate: new Point(transformX + x, transformY + y)
}) rects.forEach((r) => {
let polygon = Polygon.fromRect(r)
this.$store.dispatch('addFeature', polygon)

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