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技术 2022年11月16日
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1. 前言

随着摩尔定律的失效,Amdahl定律成为了多核计算机性能发展的指导。对于现在的java程序员们来说,并发编程越来越重要和习以为常。很惭愧和恐慌的是我对java的并发编程一直是只知道概念,入门都不算。最近工作需要,开始认真学习java并发编程。先找了一本简单的电子书《Java7并发编程实战手册》开始看。刚刚看到简单的生产者消费者问题,在书中给出的代码中,有一点不理解:为什么wait()语句要放在while循环之内?经过网上搜索以及翻看《effective java》第二版。终于明白了一些。特此记录下来。

2. 生产者消费者代码



import java.util.Date;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;/** * This class implements an Event storage. Producers will storage * events in it and Consumers will process them. An event will * be a java.util.Date object * */public class EventStorage {    /**     * Maximum size of the storage     */    private int maxSize;    /**     * Storage of events     */    private List<Date> storage;    /**     * Constructor of the class. Initializes the attributes.     */    public EventStorage(){        maxSize=10;        storage=new LinkedList<>();    }    /**     * This method creates and storage an event.     */    public synchronized void set(){            while (storage.size()>=maxSize){                try {                    wait();                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }            storage.add(new Date());            System.out.printf("Set: %d\n",storage.size());            notify();    }    /**     * This method delete the first event of the storage.     */    public synchronized void get(){            while (storage.size()==0){                try {                    wait();                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }            System.out.printf("Get: %d: %s\n",storage.size(),((LinkedList<?>)storage).poll());            notify();    }}


/** * This class implements a producer of events. * */public class Producer implements Runnable {    /**     * Store to work with     */    private EventStorage storage;    /**     * Constructor of the class. Initialize the storage.     * @param storage The store to work with     */    public Producer(EventStorage storage){        this.storage=storage;    }    /**     * Core method of the producer. Generates 100 events.     */    @Override    public void run() {        for (int i=0; i<100; i++){            storage.set();        }    }}


/** * This class implements a consumer of events. * */public class Consumer implements Runnable {    /**     * Store to work with     */    private EventStorage storage;    /**     * Constructor of the class. Initialize the storage     * @param storage The store to work with     */    public Consumer(EventStorage storage){        this.storage=storage;    }    /**     * Core method for the consumer. Consume 100 events     */    @Override    public void run() {        for (int i=0; i<100; i++){            storage.get();        }    }}


/** * Main class of the example */public class Main {    /**     * Main method of the example     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Creates an event storage        EventStorage storage=new EventStorage();        // Creates a Producer and a Thread to run it        Producer producer=new Producer(storage);        Thread thread1=new Thread(producer);        // Creates a Consumer and a Thread to run it        Consumer consumer=new Consumer(storage);        Thread thread2=new Thread(consumer);        // Starts the thread        thread2.start();        thread1.start();    }}


3. 永远不要在循环之外调用wait方法

《Effective Java》第二版中文版第69条244页位置对这一点说了一页,我看着一知半解。我能理解的一点是:对于从wait中被notify的进程来说,它在被notify之后还需要重新检查是否符合执行条件,如果不符合,就必须再次被wait,如果符合才能往下执行。所以:wait方法应该使用循环模式来调用。按照上面的生产者和消费者问题来说:错误情况一:如果有两个生产者A和B,一个消费者C。当存储空间满了之后,生产者A和B都被wait,进入等待唤醒队列。当消费者C取走了一个数据后,如果调用了notifyAll(),注意,此处是调用notifyAll(),则生产者线程A和B都将被唤醒,如果此时A和B中的wait不在while循环中而是在if中,则A和B就不会再次判断是否符合执行条件,都将直接执行wait()之后的程序,那么如果A放入了一个数据至存储空间,则此时存储空间已经满了;但是B还是会继续往存储空间里放数据,错误便产生了。错误情况二:如果有两个生产者A和B,一个消费者C。当存储空间满了之后,生产者A和B都被wait,进入等待唤醒队列。当消费者C取走了一个数据后,如果调用了notify(),则A和B中的一个将被唤醒,假设A被唤醒,则A向存储空间放入了一个数据,至此空间就满了。A执行了notify()之后,如果唤醒了B,那么B不会再次判断是否符合执行条件,将直接执行wait()之后的程序,这样就导致向已经满了数据存储区中再次放入数据。错误产生。



import java.util.Date;import java.util.LinkedList;import java.util.List;/** * This class implements an Event storage. Producers will storage * events in it and Consumers will process them. An event will * be a java.util.Date object * */public class EventStorage {    /**     * Maximum size of the storage     */    private int maxSize;    /**     * Storage of events     */    private List<Date> storage;    /**     * Constructor of the class. Initializes the attributes.     */    public EventStorage(){        maxSize=10;        storage=new LinkedList<>();    }    /**     * This method creates and storage an event.     */    public synchronized void set(){            if (storage.size()>=maxSize){                try {                    wait();                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }            storage.add(new Date());            System.out.printf("Set: %d\n",storage.size());            notify();    }    /**     * This method delete the first event of the storage.     */    public synchronized void get(){            while (storage.size()==0){                try {                    wait();                } catch (InterruptedException e) {                    e.printStackTrace();                }            }            System.out.printf("Get: %d: %s\n",storage.size(),((LinkedList<?>)storage).poll());            notify();    }}



import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;/** * This class implements a consumer of events. * */public class Consumer implements Runnable {    /**     * Store to work with     */    private EventStorage storage;    /**     * Constructor of the class. Initialize the storage     * @param storage The store to work with     */    public Consumer(EventStorage storage){        this.storage=storage;    }    /**     * Core method for the consumer. Consume 100 events     */    @Override    public void run() {        for (int i=0; i<100; i++){            try {                TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1);            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }            storage.get();        }    }}


/** * Main class of the example */public class Main {    /**     * Main method of the example     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Creates an event storage        EventStorage storage=new EventStorage();        // Creates a Producer and a Thread to run it        Producer producer=new Producer(storage);        Thread thread1=new Thread(producer);        Thread thread3=new Thread(producer);        // Creates a Consumer and a Thread to run it        Consumer consumer=new Consumer(storage);        Thread thread2=new Thread(consumer);        // Starts the thread        thread2.start();        thread1.start();        thread3.start();    }}






《Effective Java》第二版中文版

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