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技术 2022年11月16日
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I learned the value of hard work by working hard.


I know the value of hard work, but I never attain that value.

Today, I felt exhausted, just because some new problems emerged in our control system.

I can’t manage it, depressed, but I have to solve it, that is my own project, I don’t want it to be another failure.

Woe, being lazy won’t let me reach the place I want to be there.

If I want to be successful, I need to budget my time and energy wisely.

Learn strategies to be productive and I must improve my chances of reaching my goals.

Can I be the master of my own fate?

When we have become completely free of the need to judge, we will also become completely free of the fear of being judged.


However, we are living in a society full of judgements.

Maybe we can’t become free of being judged.

When I change the forgeground color of the text, black to cyan, an old saying suddenly comes to my mind, that is:

Blue is extracted from the indigo plant, but is bluer than it.

In chinese, it means: 青出于蓝而胜于蓝.

Most families expect that their next generations can do better in education, marriage, carrier, wealth and so on.

But it seems I didn’t reach the achievements my parents had ever reached.

Really a pity. Back to the topic we talked about today, if you are powerful and strong enough, you will be free of being judged.

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