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技术 2022年11月16日
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  • 下载https://github.com/luabind/luabind/tree/0.9。 其最后一次commit为

    Revision: 8c66030818f0eacbb7356c16776539b55d8c5319
    Author: Peter Colberg <peter.colberg@utoronto.ca>
    Date: 12/24/2011 1:53:29 AM
    Lua 5.2: use new macro lua_pushglobaltable

    This macro is not mentioned in the Lua 5.2 manual.
    Modified: luabind/object.hpp
    Modified: src/scope.cpp

  • 添加#include “luabind_compatibility.hpp”,内容为
  • /*
    @Author Sygn (https://github.com/sygn-jp)This file is from https://github.com/sygh-JP/CompactLua . Detailed descriptions could be found
    at the author's blog: http://sygh.hatenadiary.jp/entry/2014/06/22/000456 (Japanese only).
    */#pragma once#include <lua.hpp>
    #include <boost/version.hpp>// Luabind 0.9.1 uses "boost::operator" but it has been moved to "boost::iterators::operator" in Boost 1.57.0 or later.
    // As a result, many compilation errors will occur at the macro "LUABIND_OPERATOR_ADL_WKND" in "luabind/object.hpp".
    // One of the best and wisest solutions is to modify the source code of Luabind directly.
    // As an alternative way, the following workaround can avoid modifying it but is unbeautiful and pollutes the namespace "boost".#if (BOOST_VERSION >= 105700)
    #include <boost/operators.hpp>
    namespace luabind
    namespace detail
    // Forward declaration
    template<typename T> class basic_iterator;
    namespace boost
    template<typename T> bool operator ==(
    const luabind::detail::basic_iterator<T>& x,
    const luabind::detail::basic_iterator<T>& y)
    return boost::iterators::operator ==(x, y);
    } template<typename T> bool operator !=(
    const luabind::detail::basic_iterator<T>& x,
    const luabind::detail::basic_iterator<T>& y)
    return boost::iterators::operator !=(x, y);
  • 为config。h,和lua_include.hpp 添加#include “luabind_compatibility.hpp”
  • 在policy。hpp添加
  • LUABIND_NUMBER_CONVERTER(long double, number)
    LUABIND_NUMBER_CONVERTER(__int64, number)
    LUABIND_NUMBER_CONVERTER(unsigned __int64, number)
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