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技术 2022年11月18日
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Store, in Flux which manager the state of the application.

You can use EventEmiiter to listen to the change to state.

import {dispatch, register} from '../dispatchers/app-dispatcher';
import AppConstants from '../constants/app-constants';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';const CHANGE_EVENT = 'change'/**
* Init the data: Start
var _catalog = [];for ( let i = 1; i < 9; i++ ) {
_catalog.push( {
'id': 'Widget' + i,
'title': 'Widget #' + i,
'summary': 'A great widget',
'description': 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.',
'cost': i
} );
* Init the data: End
* Manager the CRUD: Start
var _cartItems = [];const _removeItem = ( item ) => {
_cartItems.splice( _cartItems.findIndex( i => i === item ), 1 );
};const _findCartItem = ( item ) => {
return _cartItems.find( cartItem => cartItem.id === item.id )
};const _increaseItem = ( item ) => item.qty++;const _decreaseItem = ( item ) => {
if ( item.qty === 0 ) {
_removeItem( item )
};const _addItem = ( item ) => {
const cartItem = _findCartItem( item );
if ( !cartItem ) {
_cartItems.push( Object.assign( {qty: 1}, item ) );
else {
_increaseItem( cartItem );
};const _cartTotals = ( qty = 0, total = 0 ) => {
_cartItems.forEach( cartItem => {
qty += cartItem.qty;
total += cartItem.qty * cartItem.cost;
} );
return {qty, total};
* Manger the CRUD: END
* AppStore Class, handle the request from dispatcher
* @type {*}
const AppStore = Object.assign(EventEmitter.prototype, {
this.emit( CHANGE_EVENT )
}, addChangeListener( callback ){
this.on( CHANGE_EVENT, callback )
}, removeChangeListener( callback ){
this.removeListener( CHANGE_EVENT, callback )
}, getCart(){
return _cartItems;
}, getCatalog(){
return _catalog.map(item => {
return Object.assign( {}, item, _cartItems.find( cItem => cItem.id === item.id))
}, getCartTotals(){
return _cartTotals();
}, dispatcherIndex: register( function( action ){
case AppConstants.ADD_ITEM:
_addItem( action.item );
case AppConstants.REMOVE_ITEM:
_removeItem( action.item );
break; case AppConstants.INCREASE_ITEM:
_increaseItem( action.item );
break; case AppConstants.DECREASE_ITEM:
_decreaseItem( action.item );
} AppStore.emitChange();
});export default AppStore
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