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技术 2022年11月18日
0 收藏 809 点赞 2,554 浏览 836 个字
基于动态链接库实现,可用于性能分析,锁内容.诊断memory leak问题等.
java -agentlib:hprof=heap=sites ToBeProfiledClass
java -agentlib:hprof=help- Get sample cpu information every millisec, with a stack depth of :
java -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,interval=,depth= classname- Get heap usage information based on the allocation sites:
java -agentlib:hprof=heap=sites classnameformat=b 选项不可以和monitor=y,cpu=old|times共用Use of the -Xrunhprof interface can still be used
java -Xrunhprof:[help]|[<option>=<value>, ...] 和 java -agentlib:hprof=[help]|[<option>=<value>, ...] 一样Warnings
- This is demonstration code for the JVMTI interface and use of BCI,
it is not an official product or formal part of the JDK.
- The -Xrunhprof interface will be removed in a future release.
- The option format=b is considered experimental, this format may change
in a future release.默认下,堆信息输出到当前工作目录下的java.hprof.txt,在vm退出的时候生成.可以通过设定dump on exit选项为n来更改(doe=n)
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:878 阅读:9,082
Educational Codeforces Round 11 C. Hard Process 二分
C. Hard Process题目连接:http://www.codeforces.com/contest/660/problem/CDes…
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:807 阅读:5,557
下载Ubuntn 17.04 内核源代码
zengkefu@server1:/usr/src$ uname -aLinux server1 4.10.0-19-generic #21…
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:569 阅读:6,406
可用Active Desktop Calendar V7.86 注册码序列号
可用Active Desktop Calendar V7.86 注册码序列号Name: www.greendown.cn Code: &nb…
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:733 阅读:6,179
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:512 阅读:7,815
一、Struts2的获取  Struts的官方网站为:http://struts.apache.org/  下载完Struts2的jar包,…
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:671 阅读:4,898