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技术 2022年11月19日
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See a practical example of reactive programming in JavaScript and the DOM. Learn how to detect double clicks with a few operators in RxJS.

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<a href="#" rel="external nofollow" class="button">BUTTON</a><h4>-</h4>
var button = document.querySelector('.button');
var h4 = document.querySelector('h4');var clicks = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(button, 'click');
var doubleClicks = clicks
.buffer(() => clicks.throttle(250)) // buffer the events, for each event debounce 250ms and group together
.map(arr => arr.length) // for each group, count the lengh of event
.filter(x => x ===2); // only pick length === 2 which means double clickvar res = doubleClicks.subscribe( () => {
h4.textContent = "double click"
});doubleClicks.throttle(1000).subscribe(() => {
h4.textContent = "-";
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