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技术 2022年11月19日
0 收藏 666 点赞 4,947 浏览 1102 个字
Signal Name Number  Description
SIGINT 2 Terminal interrupt (ANSI)
SIGQUIT 3 Terminal quit (POSIX)
SIGILL 4 Illegal instruction (ANSI)
SIGTRAP 5 Trace trap (POSIX)
SIGIOT 6 IOT Trap (4.2 BSD)
SIGBUS 7 BUS error (4.2 BSD)
SIGFPE 8 Floating point exception (ANSI)
SIGKILL 9 Kill(can't be caught or ignored) (POSIX)
SIGUSR1 10 User defined signal 1 (POSIX)
SIGSEGV 11 Invalid memory segment access (ANSI)
SIGUSR2 12 User defined signal 2 (POSIX)
SIGPIPE 13 Write on a pipe with no reader, Broken pipe (POSIX)
SIGALRM 14 Alarm clock (POSIX)
SIGTERM 15 Termination (ANSI)
SIGSTKFLT 16 Stack fault
SIGCHLD 17 Child process has stopped or exited, changed (POSIX)
SIGCONT 18 Continue executing, if stopped (POSIX)
SIGSTOP 19 Stop executing(can't be caught or ignored) (POSIX)
SIGTSTP 20 Terminal stop signal (POSIX)
SIGTTIN 21 Background process trying to read, from TTY (POSIX)
SIGTTOU 22 Background process trying to write, to TTY (POSIX)
SIGURG 23 Urgent condition on socket (4.2 BSD)
SIGXCPU 24 CPU limit exceeded (4.2 BSD)
SIGXFSZ 25 File size limit exceeded (4.2 BSD)
SIGVTALRM 26 Virtual alarm clock (4.2 BSD)
SIGPROF 27 Profiling alarm clock (4.2 BSD)
SIGWINCH 28 Window size change (4.3 BSD, Sun)
SIGIO 29 I/O now possible (4.2 BSD)
SIGPWR 30 Power failure restart (System V)


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