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技术 2022年11月20日
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To develop applications, murano project refers to Murano Programming Language (MuranoPL).

It is represented by easily readable YAML and YAQL languages. The sections below describe these languages.


YAML is an easily readable data serialization format that is a superset of JSON. Unlike JSON, YAML is designed to be read and written by humans and relies on visual indentation to denote nesting of data structures. This is similar to how Python uses indentation for block structures instead of curly brackets in most C-like languages. Also YAML may contain more data types as compared to JSON. See http://yaml.org/ for a detailed description of YAML.


YAQL (Yet Another Query Language) is a query language that was also designed as a part of the murano project. MuranoPL makes an extensive use of YAQL. A description of YAQL can be foundhere.

Simply speaking, YAQL is the language for expression evaluation. The following examples are all valid YAQL expressions: 2 + 2, foo() > bar(), true != false.

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