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技术 2022年11月21日
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Keepalived MySQL故障自动切换脚本





  1. # more /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf

  2. global_defs {

  3. router_id KeepAlive_Mysql

  4. }

  5. vrrp_script check_run {

  6. script “/root/sh/mysql_check.sh”

  7. interval 300

  8. }

  9. vrrp_sync_group VG1 {

  10. group {

  11. VI_1

  12. }

  13. }

  14. vrrp_instance VI_1 {

  15. state BACKUP

  16. interface eth0

  17. virtual_router_id 51

  18. priority 100

  19. advert_int 1

  20. nopreempt

  21. authentication {

  22. auth_type PASS

  23. auth_pass 1111

  24. }

  25. track_script {

  26. check_run

  27. }

  28. notify_master /root/sh/master.sh

  29. notify_backup /root/sh/backup.sh

  30. notify_stop /root/sh/stop.sh

  31. virtual_ipaddress {


  33. }

  34. }

notify_master <STRING>|<QUOTED-STRING>    # 状态改变为MASTER后执行的脚本
notify_backup <STRING>|<QUOTED-STRING> # 状态改变为BACKUP后执行的脚本
notify_fault <STRING>|<QUOTED-STRING> # 状态改变为FAULT后执行的脚本
notify_stop <STRING>|<QUOTED-STRING> # VRRP停止后后执行的脚本
notify <STRING>|<QUOTED-STRING> # (1)任意状态改变后执行的脚本



  1. # more mysql_check.sh

  2. #!/bin/bash

  3. . /root/.bash_profile

  4. count=1

  5. while true

  6. do

  7. mysql -e “show status;” > /dev/null 2>&1

  8. i=$?

  9. ps aux | grep mysqld | grep -v grep > /dev/null 2>&1

  10. j=$?

  11. if [ $i = 0 ] && [ $j = 0 ]

  12. then

  13. exit 0

  14. else

  15. if [ $i = 1 ] && [ $j = 0 ]

  16. then

  17. exit 0

  18. else

  19. if [ $count -gt 5 ]

  20. then

  21. break

  22. fi

  23. let count++

  24. continue

  25. fi

  26. fi

  27. done

  28. /etc/init.d/keepalived stop

master.sh(状态改变为MASTER后执行的脚本)  (首先判断同步复制是否执行完毕,如果未执行完毕,等1分钟后,不论是否执行完毕,都跳过,并停止同步复制进程。) (其次,更改前端程序连接的业务账号admin的权限和密码,并记录当前切换以后的日志和POS点。)

  1. # more master.sh

  2. #!/bin/bash

  3. . /root/.bash_profile

  4. Master_Log_File=$(mysql -e “show slave status\G” | grep -w Master_Log_File | awk -F”: ” ‘{print $2}’)

  5. Relay_Master_Log_File=$(mysql -e “show slave status\G” | grep -w Relay_Master_Log_File | awk -F”: ” ‘{print $2}’)

  6. Read_Master_Log_Pos=$(mysql -e “show slave status\G” | grep -w Read_Master_Log_Pos | awk -F”: ” ‘{print $2}’)

  7. Exec_Master_Log_Pos=$(mysql -e “show slave status\G” | grep -w Exec_Master_Log_Pos | awk -F”: ” ‘{print $2}’)

  8. i=1

  9. while true

  10. do

  11. if [ $Master_Log_File = $Relay_Master_Log_File ] && [ $Read_Master_Log_Pos -eq $Exec_Master_Log_Pos ]

  12. then

  13. echo “ok”

  14. break

  15. else

  16. sleep 1

  17. if [ $i -gt 60 ]

  18. then

  19. break

  20. fi

  21. continue

  22. let i++

  23. fi

  24. done

  25. mysql -e “stop slave;”

  26. mysql -e “flush logs;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘admin’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘admin’;flush privileges;”

  27. mysql -e “show master status;” > /tmp/master_status_$(date “+%y%m%d-%H%M”).txt


  1. # more backup.sh

  2. #!/bin/bash

  3. . /root/.bash_profile

  4. mysql -e “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘admin’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘1q2w3e4r’;flush privileges;”

stop.sh(keepalived停止后后执行的脚本) (首先把admin密码更改掉) (其次,设置参数,保证不丢失数据) (最后,查看是否还有写操作,不论是否执行完毕,1分钟后都退出。)

  1. # more stop.sh

  2. #!/bin/bash

  3. . /root/.bash_profile

  4. mysql -e “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ‘admin’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘1q2w3e4r’;flush privileges;”

  5. mysql -e “set global innodb_support_xa=1;”

  6. mysql -e “set global sync_binlog=1;”

  7. mysql -e “set global innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1;”

  8. M_File1=$(mysql -e “show master status\G” | awk -F’: ‘ ‘/File/{print $2}’)

  9. M_Position1=$(mysql -e “show master status\G” | awk -F’: ‘ ‘/Position/{print $2}’)

  10. sleep 1

  11. M_File2=$(mysql -e “show master status\G” | awk -F’: ‘ ‘/File/{print $2}’)

  12. M_Position2=$(mysql -e “show master status\G” | awk -F’: ‘ ‘/Position/{print $2}’)

  13. i=1

  14. while true

  15. do

  16. if [ $M_File1 = $M_File2 ] && [ $M_Position1 -eq $M_Position2 ]

  17. then

  18. echo “ok”

  19. break

  20. else

  21. sleep 1

  22. if [ $i -gt 60 ]

  23. then

  24. break

  25. fi

  26. continue

  27. let i++

  28. fi

  29. done

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