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技术 2022年11月21日
0 收藏 963 点赞 3,172 浏览 2393 个字



    1. 比较运算符:>< >=  <=  !=
    2. between 80 and 100 值在80到100之间   >=80  <=100
    3. in(80,90,100) 值是80或90或100    满足这个条件就可以
    4. like ‘egon%’
    5. 逻辑运算符:在多个条件直接可以使用逻辑运算符 and or not

select id,name,age from employee where id >7;

执行顺序 1.from employee  2. where id >7 3. id,name,age

先找到表 再按照约束条件 从表里取要找的记录


mysql> select id,name,age from employee where id >7;
| id | name | age |
| 8 | 丫丫 | 38 |
| 9 | 丁丁 | 18 |
| 10 | 星星 | 18 |
| 11 | 格格 | 28 |
| 12 | 张野 | 28 |
| 13 | 程咬金 | 18 |
| 14 | 程咬银 | 18 |
| 15 | 程咬铜 | 18 |
| 16 | 程咬铁 | 18 |
9 rows in set (0.11 sec)



mysql> select name,post,salary from employee where post='teacher' and salary>8000;
| name | post | salary |
| alex | teacher | 1000000.31 |
| jingliyang | teacher | 9000.00 |
| jinxin | teacher | 30000.00 |
| 成龙 | teacher | 10000.00 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

薪资大于等于20000 小于等于30000

mysql> select name,salary from employee where  salary >= 20000 and salary <= 30000;
| name | salary |
| jinxin | 30000.00 |
| 程咬金 | 20000.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

between 20000 and 30000

原理 >= 20000  <=30000

mysql> select name,salary from employee where salary between 20000 and 30000;
| name | salary |
| jinxin | 30000.00 |
| 程咬金 | 20000.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

小于20000 或者大于30000

mysql> select name,salary from employee where salary < 20000 or salary >30000;
| name | salary |
| alex | 1000000.31 |
| yuanhao | 3500.00 |
| liwenzhou | 2100.00 |
| jingliyang | 9000.00 |
| 成龙 | 10000.00 |
| 歪歪 | 3000.13 |
| 丫丫 | 2000.35 |
| 丁丁 | 1000.37 |
| 星星 | 3000.29 |
| 格格 | 4000.33 |
| 张野 | 10000.13 |
| 程咬银 | 19000.00 |
| 程咬铜 | 18000.00 |
| 程咬铁 | 17000.00 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

between 取反

小于2000   大于30000

mysql> select name,salary from employee where salary not between 20000 and 30000;
| name | salary |
| alex | 1000000.31 |
| yuanhao | 3500.00 |
| liwenzhou | 2100.00 |
| jingliyang | 9000.00 |
| 成龙 | 10000.00 |
| 歪歪 | 3000.13 |
| 丫丫 | 2000.35 |
| 丁丁 | 1000.37 |
| 星星 | 3000.29 |
| 格格 | 4000.33 |
| 张野 | 10000.13 |
| 程咬银 | 19000.00 |
| 程咬铜 | 18000.00 |
| 程咬铁 | 17000.00 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)
SELECT name FROM employee
WHERE post='sale';#2:多条件查询
SELECT name,salary FROM employee
WHERE post='teacher' AND salary>10000;#3:关键字BETWEEN AND
SELECT name,salary FROM employee
WHERE salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000; SELECT name,salary FROM employee
WHERE salary NOT BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000;
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