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【Mybatis 系列10-结合源码解析mybatis 执行流程】

【Mybatis 系列9-强大的动态sql 语句】

【Mybatis 系列8-结合源码解析select、resultMap的用法】

【Mybatis 系列7-结合源码解析核心CRUD配置及用法】

【Mybatis 系列6-结合源码解析节点配置objectFactory、databaseIdProvider、plugins、mappers】

【Mybatis 系列5-结合源码解析TypeHandler】

【Mybatis 系列4-结合源码解析节点typeAliases】

【Mybatis 系列3-结合源码解析properties节点和environments节点】

【Mybatis 系列2-配置文件】

【Mybatis 系列1-环境搭建】


那么本篇将走进mybatis的源码,分析mybatis 的执行流程

Mybatis 系列10-结合源码解析mybatis 的执行流程

1. SqlSessionFactory 与 SqlSession.

通过前面的章节对于mybatis 的介绍及使用,大家都能体会到SqlSession的重要性了吧, 没错,从表面上来看,咱们都是通过SqlSession去执行sql语句(注意:是从表面看,实际的待会儿就会讲)。那么咱们就先看看是怎么获取SqlSession的吧:


* 一系列的构造方法最终都会调用本方法(配置文件为Reader时会调用本方法,还有一个InputStream方法与此对应)
* @param reader
* @param environment
* @param properties
* @return
public SqlSessionFactory build(Reader reader, String environment, Properties properties) {
try {
XMLConfigBuilder parser = new XMLConfigBuilder(reader, environment, properties);
return build(parser.parse());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error building SqlSession.", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Intentionally ignore. Prefer previous error.
} public SqlSessionFactory build(Configuration config) {
return new DefaultSqlSessionFactory(config);



* 通常一系列openSession方法最终都会调用本方法
* @param execType
* @param level
* @param autoCommit
* @return
private SqlSession openSessionFromDataSource(ExecutorType execType, TransactionIsolationLevel level, boolean autoCommit) {
Transaction tx = null;
try {
//通过Confuguration对象去获取Mybatis相关配置信息, Environment对象包含了数据源和事务的配置
final Environment environment = configuration.getEnvironment();
final TransactionFactory transactionFactory = getTransactionFactoryFromEnvironment(environment);
tx = transactionFactory.newTransaction(environment.getDataSource(), level, autoCommit);
//之前说了,从表面上来看,咱们是用sqlSession在执行sql语句, 实际呢,其实是通过excutor执行, excutor是对于Statement的封装
final Executor executor = configuration.newExecutor(tx, execType);
return new DefaultSqlSession(configuration, executor, autoCommit);
} catch (Exception e) {
closeTransaction(tx); // may have fetched a connection so lets call close()
throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error opening session. Cause: " + e, e);
} finally {



 SqlSessionFactory sessionFactory = null;
String resource = "mybatis-conf.xml";
try {
sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(Resources
} catch (IOException e) {
SqlSession sqlSession = sessionFactory.openSession();

还真这么一回事儿,对吧! SqlSession咱们也拿到了,咱们可以调用SqlSession中一系列的select…, insert…, update…, delete…方法轻松自如的进行CRUD操作了。

就这样? 那咱配置的映射文件去哪儿了?

2. 利器之MapperProxy:


也就是说, 当咱们执行自己写的dao里面的方法的时候,其实是对应的mapperProxy在代理。

那么,咱们就看看怎么获取MapperProxy对象吧: (1)通过SqlSession从Configuration中获取。


* 什么都不做,直接去configuration中找, 哥就是这么任性
public <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type) {
return configuration.<T>getMapper(type, this);

(2)SqlSession把包袱甩给了Configuration, 接下来就看看Configuration。


* 烫手的山芋,俺不要,你找mapperRegistry去要
* @param type
* @param sqlSession
* @return
public <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type, SqlSession sqlSession) {
return mapperRegistry.getMapper(type, sqlSession);



* 烂活净让我来做了,没法了,下面没人了,我不做谁来做
* @param type
* @param sqlSession
* @return
public <T> T getMapper(Class<T> type, SqlSession sqlSession) {
final MapperProxyFactory<T> mapperProxyFactory = (MapperProxyFactory<T>) knownMappers.get(type);
if (mapperProxyFactory == null) {
throw new BindingException("Type " + type + " is not known to the MapperRegistry.");
try {
return mapperProxyFactory.newInstance(sqlSession);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BindingException("Error getting mapper instance. Cause: " + e, e);



* 别人虐我千百遍,我待别人如初恋
* @param mapperProxy
* @return
protected T newInstance(MapperProxy<T> mapperProxy) {
return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(mapperInterface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { mapperInterface }, mapperProxy);
} public T newInstance(SqlSession sqlSession) {
final MapperProxy<T> mapperProxy = new MapperProxy<T>(sqlSession, mapperInterface, methodCache);
return newInstance(mapperProxy);

通过以上的动态代理,咱们就可以方便地使用dao接口啦, 就像之前咱们写的demo那样:

UserDao userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserDao.class);
User insertUser = new User();

还没完, 咱们还没看具体是怎么执行sql语句的呢。

3. Excutor:


上面,咱们拿到了MapperProxy, 每个MapperProxy对应一个dao接口,



 MapperProxy: /**
* MapperProxy在执行时会触发此方法
public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
if (Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
try {
return method.invoke(this, args);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw ExceptionUtil.unwrapThrowable(t);
final MapperMethod mapperMethod = cachedMapperMethod(method);
return mapperMethod.execute(sqlSession, args);


* 看着代码不少,不过其实就是先判断CRUD类型,然后根据类型去选择到底执行sqlSession中的哪个方法,绕了一圈,又转回sqlSession了
* @param sqlSession
* @param args
* @return
public Object execute(SqlSession sqlSession, Object[] args) {
Object result;
if (SqlCommandType.INSERT == command.getType()) {
Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
result = rowCountResult(sqlSession.insert(command.getName(), param));
} else if (SqlCommandType.UPDATE == command.getType()) {
Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
result = rowCountResult(sqlSession.update(command.getName(), param));
} else if (SqlCommandType.DELETE == command.getType()) {
Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
result = rowCountResult(sqlSession.delete(command.getName(), param));
} else if (SqlCommandType.SELECT == command.getType()) {
if (method.returnsVoid() && method.hasResultHandler()) {
executeWithResultHandler(sqlSession, args);
result = null;
} else if (method.returnsMany()) {
result = executeForMany(sqlSession, args);
} else if (method.returnsMap()) {
result = executeForMap(sqlSession, args);
} else {
Object param = method.convertArgsToSqlCommandParam(args);
result = sqlSession.selectOne(command.getName(), param);
} else {
throw new BindingException("Unknown execution method for: " + command.getName());
if (result == null && method.getReturnType().isPrimitive() && !method.returnsVoid()) {
throw new BindingException("Mapper method '" + command.getName()
+ " attempted to return null from a method with a primitive return type (" + method.getReturnType() + ").");
return result;

既然又回到SqlSession了, 那么咱们就看看SqlSession的CRUD方法了,为了省事,还是就选择其中的一个方法来做分析吧。这儿,咱们选择了selectList方法:

 public <E> List<E> selectList(String statement, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds) {
try {
MappedStatement ms = configuration.getMappedStatement(statement);
//CRUD实际上是交给Excetor去处理, excutor其实也只是穿了个马甲而已,小样,别以为穿个马甲我就不认识你嘞!
return executor.query(ms, wrapCollection(parameter), rowBounds, Executor.NO_RESULT_HANDLER);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw ExceptionFactory.wrapException("Error querying database. Cause: " + e, e);
} finally {

然后,通过一层一层的调用,最终会来到doQuery方法, 这儿咱们就随便找个Excutor看看doQuery方法的实现吧,我这儿选择了SimpleExecutor:

 public <E> List<E> doQuery(MappedStatement ms, Object parameter, RowBounds rowBounds, ResultHandler resultHandler, BoundSql boundSql) throws SQLException {
Statement stmt = null;
try {
Configuration configuration = ms.getConfiguration();
StatementHandler handler = configuration.newStatementHandler(wrapper, ms, parameter, rowBounds, resultHandler, boundSql);
stmt = prepareStatement(handler, ms.getStatementLog());
//StatementHandler封装了Statement, 让 StatementHandler 去处理
return handler.<E>query(stmt, resultHandler);
} finally {

接下来,咱们看看StatementHandler 的一个实现类 PreparedStatementHandler(这也是我们最常用的,封装的是PreparedStatement), 看看它使怎么去处理的:

 public <E> List<E> query(Statement statement, ResultHandler resultHandler) throws SQLException {
//到此,原形毕露, PreparedStatement, 这个大家都已经滚瓜烂熟了吧
PreparedStatement ps = (PreparedStatement) statement;
//结果交给了ResultSetHandler 去处理
return resultSetHandler.<E> handleResultSets(ps);

到此, 一次sql的执行流程就完了。



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