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技术 2022年11月7日
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-'''
On the day of the Challenger disaster, the outside temperature was 31 ıF.
The posterior distribution of a defect occurring, given this temperature, almost
guaranteed that the Challenger was going to be subject to defective O-ringsExample of PyMC - The Challenger Disaster
This example uses Bayesian methods to find the mean and the 95% confidence
intervals for the likelihood of an O-ring failure O型密封圈失效 in a space shuttle, as a function
of the ambient temperature周围温度.
Input data are the recorded O-ring performances of the space shuttles before 1986.
'''# Copyright(c) 2015, Thomas Haslwanter. All rights reserved, under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International License# Import standard packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import os# additional packages
import pymc as pm
from scipy.stats.mstats import mquantilessns.set_context('poster')def logistic(x, beta, alpha=0):
'''Logistic Function''' return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(np.dot(beta, x) + alpha))def getData():
'''Get and show the O-ring data''' inFile = 'challenger_data.csv' challenger_data = np.genfromtxt(inFile, skip_header=1, usecols=[1, 2],
missing_values='NA', delimiter=',') # drop the NA values
challenger_data = challenger_data[~np.isnan(challenger_data[:, 1])] temperature = challenger_data[:, 0]
failureData = challenger_data[:, 1] # defect or not?
return (temperature, failureData)def showAndSave(temperature, failures):
'''Shows the input data, and saves the resulting figure''' # Plot it, as a function of tempature
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True) plt.scatter(temperature, failures, s=200, color="k", alpha=0.5)
plt.yticks([0, 1])
plt.ylabel("Damage Incident?")
plt.xlabel("Outside Temperature [F]")
plt.title("Defects of the Space Shuttle O-Rings vs temperature")
plt.tight_layout outFile = 'Challenger_ORings.png'
showData(outFile)def mcmcSimulations(temperature, failures):
'''Perform the MCMC-simulations''' # Define the prior distributions for alpha and beta
# 'value' sets the start parameter for the simulation
# The second parameter for the normal distributions is the "precision",
# i.e. the inverse of the standard deviation
beta = pm.Normal("beta", 0, 0.001, value=0)
alpha = pm.Normal("alpha", 0, 0.001, value=0) # Define the model-function for the temperature
def p(t=temperature, alpha=alpha, beta=beta):
return 1.0 / (1. + np.exp(beta * t + alpha)) # connect the probabilities in `p` with our observations through a
# Bernoulli random variable.
observed = pm.Bernoulli("bernoulli_obs", p, value=failures, observed=True) # Combine the values to a model
model = pm.Model([observed, beta, alpha]) # Perform the simulations
map_ = pm.MAP(model)
mcmc = pm.MCMC(model)
mcmc.sample(120000, 100000, 2) # --- Show the resulting posterior distributions ---
alpha_samples = mcmc.trace('alpha')[:, None] # best to make them 1d
beta_samples = mcmc.trace('beta')[:, None] return(alpha_samples, beta_samples)def showSimResults(alpha_samples, beta_samples):
'''Show the results of the simulations, and save them to an outFile''' plt.figure(figsize=(12.5, 6))
setFonts(18) # Histogram of the samples:
plt.title(r"Posterior distributions of the variables $\alpha, \beta$")
plt.hist(beta_samples, histtype='stepfilled', bins=35, alpha=0.85,
label=r"posterior of $\beta$", color="#7A68A6", normed=True)
plt.legend() plt.subplot(212)
plt.hist(alpha_samples, histtype='stepfilled', bins=35, alpha=0.85,
label=r"posterior of $\alpha$", color="#A60628", normed=True)
plt.legend() outFile = 'Challenger_Parameters.png'
showData(outFile)def calculateProbability(alpha_samples, beta_samples, temperature, failures):
'''Calculate the mean probability, and the CIs''' # Calculate the probability as a function of time
t = np.linspace(temperature.min() - 5, temperature.max() + 5, 50)[:, None]
p_t = logistic(t.T, beta_samples, alpha_samples) mean_prob_t = p_t.mean(axis=0) # --- Calculate CIs ---
# vectorized bottom and top 2.5% quantiles for "confidence interval"
quantiles = mquantiles(p_t, [0.025, 0.975], axis=0) return (t, mean_prob_t, p_t, quantiles)def showProbabilities(linearTemperature, temperature, failures, mean_prob_t, p_t, quantiles):
'''Show the posterior probabilities, and save the resulting figures''' # --- Show the probability curve ----
plt.figure(figsize=(12.5, 4))
setFonts(18) plt.plot(linearTemperature, mean_prob_t, lw=3, label="Average posterior\n \
probability of defect")
plt.plot(linearTemperature, p_t[0, :], ls="--", label="Realization from posterior")
plt.plot(linearTemperature, p_t[-2, :], ls="--", label="Realization from posterior")
plt.scatter(temperature, failures, color="k", s=50, alpha=0.5)
plt.title("Posterior expected value of probability of defect, plus realizations")
plt.legend(loc="lower left")
plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.1)
plt.xlim(linearTemperature.min(), linearTemperature.max())
plt.xlabel("Temperature [F]") outFile = 'Challenger_Probability.png'
showData(outFile) # --- Draw CIs ---
sns.set_style('darkgrid') plt.fill_between(linearTemperature[:, 0], *quantiles, alpha=0.7,
color="#7A68A6") plt.plot(linearTemperature[:, 0], quantiles[0], label="95% CI", color="#7A68A6", alpha=0.7) plt.plot(linearTemperature, mean_prob_t, lw=1, ls="--", color="k",
label="average posterior \nprobability of defect") plt.xlim(linearTemperature.min(), linearTemperature.max())
plt.ylim(-0.02, 1.02)
plt.legend(loc="lower left")
plt.scatter(temperature, failures, color="k", s=50, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel("Temperature [F]")
plt.ylabel("Posterior Probability Estimate") outFile = 'Challenger_CIs.png'
showData(outFile)if __name__=='__main__':
(temperature, failures) = getData()
showAndSave(temperature, failures) (alpha, beta) = mcmcSimulations(temperature, failures)
showSimResults(alpha, beta) (linearTemperature, mean_p, p, quantiles) = calculateProbability(alpha, beta, temperature, failures)
showProbabilities(linearTemperature, temperature, failures, mean_p, p, quantiles)

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