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技术 2022年11月11日
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  Given an entity with an attribute firstName, Core Data automatically generates firstName, setFirstName:, primitiveFirstName, and setPrimitiveFirstName.

  The primary use of primitive accessors is to prevent key-value observing notifications from being sent when you change a value.

  Sometimes you do not want such notifications sent because they have quite a bit of overhead. E.g. when importing large sets of data or when you use a transitory value to alter a persisted value.

  In my opinion,

  You could override the awakeFromInsert method to set a default value for this property;

  Every time you insert object into managedObjectContext,

  CoreData framework will call awakeFromInsert method automatically.

  And in this method,you should use primitive accssor to set the default value.

  For example,there is a property dueDate in the category’s .h file,

  u can define primitiveDueDate property in the subclass of NSManagedObject.

  And add @dynamic primitiveDueDate in .m file.

   show u the code:

// a subclass of NSManagedObject//.h file
@interface Task : NSManagedObject@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDate *primitiveDueDate;@end//.m file
@implementation Task@dynamic primitiveDueDate;- (void)awakeFromInsert{
[super awakeFromInsert]; NSDate *defaultDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:***]; // 3 days self.primitiveDueDate = defaultDate;
}@end// category file contains a property named dueDate@interface Task (CoreDataProperties)@property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSDate *dueDate;@end




Caution (infinite loop):


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