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技术 2022年11月11日
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1 why can’t NSArray contain NSInteger Instance? with which extra step can you do it?
2.complete this code so that it becomes syntacticallty correct using no more than one additional word and  square branckets NsInteger myNumber=@”10000″;


NSInteger myInt = [myString intValue];

3.What does the following code do? Variable age is defined as NSInteger It compiles fine..but why does it crash? UILabel *mylabel=[UILabel new]; mylabel.text=age?[NSString stringWithFormat:@”%@”,age];@””;

4.Why does the following code crash as soon as the property is set?What is the simple fix? MeasueStripView.h @Interface MeasueLinealView:UIview { NSUIInteger minvalue;
} @property (nonatomic,assign)NSUIInteger minvalue;
MeasueStripView.m #import “MeasueStripView.h” @implementation MeasueStripView @synthsize minvalue #progma mark Passthrough properties -(void) setMinValue:(NSUIInteger)aVal {
self.minvalue:aVal; } Some other file: MeasueStripView *myMS=[MeasueStripView ww]; myMS.minValue=100;//THis Line crashes..
5.You have a UIView and would like to for it to have rounded corners, What’s the Fastest way to achive that|
6 How many methods do you know of performing a piece of code in other thread on IOS4.0 and later version.


我查到的方法是: 1、detachNewThreadSelector或performSelectorInBackground 2、NSThread 3、NSOperationQueue

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