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技术 2022年11月11日
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参数 默认值 说明
airflow_home /home/airflow/airflow01 airflow home,由环境变量$AIRFLOW_HOME决定
dags_folder /home/airflow/airflow01/dags dag python文件目录
base_log_folder /home/airflow/airflow01/logs 主日志目录
executor SequentialExecutor, LocalExecutor, CeleryExecutor executor方式,分别为序列、本地、队列
sql_alchemy_conn sqlite:////home/airflow/airflow01/airflow.db 数据库连接方式
sql_alchemy_pool_size 5 数据库线程池
sql_alchemy_pool_recycle 3600 数据库idle连接回收时间
parallelism 32 executor的并行度,即同时在一个executor上同时运行的task instance个数
dag_concurrency 16 调度器同时可以运行的task instance个数(跟上个参数啥关系?)
max_active_runs_per_dag 16 不懂~
load_examples True 是否载入示例
default_impersonation 当不设置task的用户时,以此用户执行
security 安全验证类似,如kerberos
default_owner airflow operator 绑定的默认用户名
default_cpus 1 operators 使用的cpu
default_ram 512 operators 使用的内存
base_url http://localhost:8080 webserver的URL
web_server_host webserver的IP
web_server_port 8080 webserver的端口
web_server_ssl_cert webserver的certificate路径
web_server_ssl_key webserver的key路径
web_server_worker_timeout 120 gunicorn webserver和worker的超时时间
worker_refresh_batch_size 1 webserver每次检测worker的个数。发现新的worker并杀死旧的worker
worker_refresh_interval |30 webserver检测的时间间隔
access_logfile webserver日志位置,-指标准输出
error_logfile webserver日志位置,-指标准输出
expose_config False 是否在页面上显示配置信息
authenticate False webserver是否开始权限验证
filter_by_owner False 通过名称过滤dag,需要开启权限验证。
smtp_host localhost smtp主机
smtp_user smtp上的用户
smtp_password 密码
smtp_starttls True 使用tls协议
smtp_ssl False 使用ssl协议
smtp_port smtp端口
smtp_mail_from 发邮件的账户
celeryd_concurrency 16
broker_url sqla+mysql://airflow:airflow@localhost:3306/airflow celery broker url
celery_result_backend db+mysql://airflow:airflow@localhost:3306/airflow celere result
job_heartbeat_sec 5 Task instances接收外部kill信号(来自cli或者webserver)的时间时隔
scheduler_heartbeat_sec 5 scheduler和task之间的心跳间隔(应该是跟executor)
scheduler_zombie_task_threshold 300 检测僵尸task的时间间隔
catchup_by_default 不懂~

parallelism = number of physical python processes the scheduler can run

dag_concurrency = the number of TIs to be allowed to run PER-dag at once

max_active_runs_per_dag = number of dag runs (per-DAG) to allow running at once* parallelism = number of physical python processes the scheduler can run

  • dag_concurrency = the number of TIs to be allowed to run PER-dag at once
  • max_active_runs_per_dag = number of dag runs (per-DAG) to allow running at once




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