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技术 2022年11月12日
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本以为AD的开发深入工作,可能暂时先放放了,这不最近又一次接触了SP的知识领域,又一次见到了久违相识的老朋友AD域控了,让我没有想到其实服务器这块儿微软的份额这么大…不得不深思微软的核心业务是啥,是后台服务这块吗?用了Windows server 2012 R2重新装了AD、IIS、数据库,然后新装了SP2013系统,跑起来了,结合系统里的AD代码,马上又要装Exchange了,这AD又活灵活现在眼前了。


The thought of the development of AD deeply, may temporarily put the first place, it is recently once again contact the SP knowledge, again see the old friends met long AD domain control, let me not think what is the core business in this child server Microsoft’s share so much to reflect Microsoft… This is the background service? With the Windows server 2012 R2, IIS, AD to install the database, then the newly installed SP2013 system, run up, combined with the system of the AD code, once again with Exchange, the AD and living now in front of the flexible.


Contact from the AD system, Exchange, TFS, SP, Microsoft seems to be a set of ecological background server exists. Use of the official API operation, with convenient operation and maintenance, development programming, automation allows the programmer to have a new field. If the VSTS to further understand, I know there may be more essence, so the story to be continued, SP continued to be continued, the globalization of cooperation.

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