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技术 2022年11月12日
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 #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "iostream" using namespace std; pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; int tmp; void* thread(void *arg) {     cout << "thread id is " << pthread_self() << endl;     pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);     tmp = ;     cout << "Now a is " << tmp << endl;     pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);     return NULL; } int main() {     pthread_t id;     cout << "main thread id is " << pthread_self() << endl;     tmp = ;     cout << "In main func tmp = " << tmp << endl;     if (!pthread_create(&id, NULL, thread, NULL))     {         cout << "Create thread success!" << endl;     }     else     {         cout << "Create thread failed!" << endl;     }     pthread_join(id, NULL);     pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex);     return ; } //编译:g++ -o thread testthread.cpp -lpthread


#include <stdio.h>#include <pthread.h>#include "stdlib.h"#include "unistd.h"pthread_mutex_t mutex;pthread_cond_t cond;void hander(void *arg){    free(arg);    (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);}void *thread1(void *arg){    pthread_cleanup_push(hander, &mutex);    while()    {        printf("thread1 is running\n");        pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);        pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);        printf("thread1 applied the condition\n");        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);        sleep();    }    pthread_cleanup_pop();}void *thread2(void *arg){    while()    {        printf("thread2 is running\n");        pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex);        pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mutex);        printf("thread2 applied the condition\n");        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);        sleep();    }}int main(){    pthread_t thid1,thid2;    printf("condition variable study!\n");    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);    pthread_cond_init(&cond, NULL);    pthread_create(&thid1, NULL, thread1, NULL);    pthread_create(&thid2, NULL, thread2, NULL);    sleep();    do    {        pthread_cond_signal(&cond);    }while();    sleep();    pthread_exit();    return ;}
#include <pthread.h>#include <unistd.h>#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"static pthread_mutex_t mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;static pthread_cond_t cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;struct node{    int n_number;    struct node *n_next;}*head = NULL;static void cleanup_handler(void *arg){    printf("Cleanup handler of second thread./n");    free(arg);    (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx);}static void *thread_func(void *arg){    struct node *p = NULL;    pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup_handler, p);    while ()    {        //这个mutex主要是用来保证pthread_cond_wait的并发性        pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx);        while (head == NULL)        {            //这个while要特别说明一下,单个pthread_cond_wait功能很完善,为何            //这里要有一个while (head == NULL)呢?因为pthread_cond_wait里的线            //程可能会被意外唤醒,如果这个时候head != NULL,则不是我们想要的情况。            //这个时候,应该让线程继续进入pthread_cond_wait            // pthread_cond_wait会先解除之前的pthread_mutex_lock锁定的mtx,            //然后阻塞在等待对列里休眠,直到再次被唤醒(大多数情况下是等待的条件成立            //而被唤醒,唤醒后,该进程会先锁定先pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx);,再读取资源            //用这个流程是比较清楚的            pthread_cond_wait(&cond, &mtx);            p = head;            head = head->n_next;            printf("Got %d from front of queue/n", p->n_number);            free(p);        }        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); //临界区数据操作完毕,释放互斥锁    }    pthread_cleanup_pop();    return ;}int main(void){    pthread_t tid;    int i;    struct node *p;    //子线程会一直等待资源,类似生产者和消费者,但是这里的消费者可以是多个消费者,而    //不仅仅支持普通的单个消费者,这个模型虽然简单,但是很强大    pthread_create(&tid, NULL, thread_func, NULL);    sleep();    for (i = ; i < ; i++)    {        p = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));        p->n_number = i;        pthread_mutex_lock(&mtx); //需要操作head这个临界资源,先加锁,        p->n_next = head;        head = p;        pthread_cond_signal(&cond);        pthread_mutex_unlock(&mtx); //解锁        sleep();    }    printf("thread 1 wanna end the line.So cancel thread 2./n");    //关于pthread_cancel,有一点额外的说明,它是从外部终止子线程,子线程会在最近的取消点,退出    //线程,而在我们的代码里,最近的取消点肯定就是pthread_cond_wait()了。    pthread_cancel(tid);    pthread_join(tid, NULL);    printf("All done -- exiting/n");    return ;}


#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <pthread.h>#include <semaphore.h>#include <errno.h>#define return_if_fail(p) if((p) == 0){printf ("[%s]:func error!/n", __func__);return;}typedef struct _PrivInfo{    sem_t s1;    sem_t s2;    time_t end_time;}PrivInfo;static void info_init (PrivInfo* thiz);static void info_destroy (PrivInfo* thiz);static void* pthread_func_1 (PrivInfo* thiz);static void* pthread_func_2 (PrivInfo* thiz);int main (int argc, char** argv){    pthread_t pt_1 = ;    pthread_t pt_2 = ;    int ret = ;    PrivInfo* thiz = NULL;    thiz = (PrivInfo* )malloc (sizeof (PrivInfo));    if (thiz == NULL)    {        printf ("[%s]: Failed to malloc priv./n");        return -;    }    info_init (thiz);    ret = pthread_create (&pt_1, NULL, (void*)pthread_func_1, thiz);    if (ret != )    {        perror ("pthread_1_create:");    }    ret = pthread_create (&pt_2, NULL, (void*)pthread_func_2, thiz);    if (ret != )    {        perror ("pthread_2_create:");    }    pthread_join (pt_1, NULL);    pthread_join (pt_2, NULL);    info_destroy (thiz);    return ;}static void info_init (PrivInfo* thiz){    return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    thiz->end_time = time(NULL) + ;    sem_init (&thiz->s1, , );    sem_init (&thiz->s2, , );    return;}static void info_destroy (PrivInfo* thiz){    return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    sem_destroy (&thiz->s1);    sem_destroy (&thiz->s2);    free (thiz);    thiz = NULL;    return;}static void* pthread_func_1 (PrivInfo* thiz){    return_if_fail(thiz != NULL);    while (time(NULL) < thiz->end_time)    {        sem_wait (&thiz->s2);        printf ("pthread1: pthread1 get the lock./n");        sem_post (&thiz->s1);        printf ("pthread1: pthread1 unlock/n");        sleep ();    }    return;}static void* pthread_func_2 (PrivInfo* thiz){    return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    while (time (NULL) < thiz->end_time)    {        sem_wait (&thiz->s1);        printf ("pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock./n");        sem_post (&thiz->s2);        printf ("pthread2: pthread2 unlock./n");        sleep ();    }    return;}






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