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技术 2022年11月13日
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根据2015年的数据统计情况,并结合《苹果应用商店审核指南》,互娱 iOS 预审组通过细分将预审工作划为3大模块:客户端资源检查、应用内容检查和提审资源检查。在上一篇文章中,Bugly 重点为大家介绍了客户端资源检查的内容,今天我们要为大家介绍的是关于应用内容检查和提审资源检查的部分。



1. 文字内容检查

此部分的审核,根据苹果商店审核指南的准则,主要的检查项有以下几方面:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇被拒条款Apps that are “beta”, “demo”, “trial”, or “test” versions will be rejected.(任何“beta”,“演示”,“试用”或“测试” 版本的应用会被拒。)被拒案例被拒原因描述:We found that your app appears to be a pre-release, test, or trial version with a very limited feature set. Apps that are in beta form, or that are for demonstration or trial purposes only, are not appropriate for the App Store and are not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Specifically, your app indicated test version. 简评:提交AppStore审核的应用名称、安装包等所有地方都不能包含有测试、demo等字样,否则都会被拒。应对措施苹果不允许测试版本上架销售,内测、测试、公测、体验、demo版、beta版、demo版、test版等字样出现时,苹果会统一认为是测试版本。因此,在正式提审期间,必须屏蔽含有如上字样的公告、邮件、活动等界面。被拒条款Apps or metadata that mentions the name of any other mobile platform will be rejected.(应用或者元数据中提到其他任意移动平台会被拒。)被拒案例被拒原因描述:We found that your app and/or its metadata contains inappropriate or irrelevant platform information, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Specifically, your app mentioned other platforms, such as Android.
Providing future platform compatibility plans, or other general platform references, is not appropriate in the context of the App Store. It would be appropriate to remove this information.三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇简评:该条款明确规定iOS应用在任何地方(应用界面、图片、文字)都不允许提及其他平台字眼。应对措施1、Android、winphone、安卓等第三方平台字样是不能出现的,避免在苹果平台宣传其竞争对手,可采用”其它平台“来替代“Android “等。2、应用内的文字描述,如有涉及苹果产品的英文拼写,必须采用正确的拼写格式,详情需参考苹果官方文档。

2. 应用内容检查

此部分的审核,重点覆盖应用中的动画、登录、注销、支付等功能界面,主要的检查项有以下几方面:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇被拒条款16.1 Apps that present excessively objectionable or crude content will be rejected.(应用中出现过于令人反感或者低俗的内容将会被拒绝。)被拒案例被拒原因描述:We found that your app contains content that many audiences would find objectionable, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Specifically, it would be appropriate to remove “美女” section from your app. Screenshots have been provided for your reference.
We encourage you to review your app content and evaluate whether you can modify the content to bring it into compliance with the Guidelines.简评:应用中美女频道的内容稍微有些低俗/反感导致被拒。通过后台控制,审核前去掉美女频道,审核通过后再放开的方式解决,这种操作切记要在上线前checklist认真检查、并在审核前配置好。






1. 应用截图检查

对于图片的审核,我们重点覆盖图片的内容、文字和规格属性,确保图片满足苹果要求,详情如下:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇被拒条款Apps with names, descriptions, screenshots, or previews not relevant to the content and functionality of the App will be rejected .(应用的名称、描述、屏幕截图、视频预览,如果与应用的功能或内容无关,审核会被拒。)被拒案例被拒原因描述:We found that the screenshots for your app do not reflect the app in use. This does not give the user an accurate understanding of what the app does or how it behaves, which is not in compliance with theApp Store Review Guidelines.
It would be appropriate to revise your screenshots to demonstrate the app functionality in use.三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇简评:屏幕截图与应用无关或未能反映应用的主要功能(或游戏的亮点玩法)。苹果在屏幕截图审核越来越严格,后续提交屏幕截图时一定要提交最能表达应用主要功能或游戏的亮点玩法的图片。

2. 预览视频检查

此部分的审核,我们重点覆盖视频的内容、文字、大小、压缩格式、数据速率、帧率等规格属性,详细的检查项如下:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇被拒条款Developers are responsible for assigning appropriate ratings to their Apps. Inappropriate ratings may be changed/deleted by Apple.(应用开发者有责任对应用设置恰当的分级(Rating)。不恰当的评级可能会被Apple修改,甚至删除。)被拒案例被拒原因描述:We found that the rating you’ve selected is not consistent with the content of your app, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
  Since your application contains frequent mature content, this should be reflected in the frequency choice in the Ratings section. 17+ would be appropriate for your app rating.
  NOTE: Please be sure to make any metadata changes to all App Localizations by clicking the Edit button next to each localization.三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇简评:应用包含有成人内容,年龄应定级为17+;年龄定级这个被拒的频率还比较高,各个定级的描述如下:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇应对措施应用首次上架审核前,应明确界定用户群的年龄限制。提交审核时,应根据应用实际的功能、游戏素材、玩法等来选择各个评级。

3. 提审帐号检查

提审帐号主要是便于苹果审核人员快速体验和审核App,关于提审帐号,我们主要检查帐号的等级和正确性:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇被拒案例《项目C》1.9.x版本,提供的测试帐号等级不够高,苹果审核人员无法体验App的所有内容,因此被拒。三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇应对措施提供高等级的帐号,确保该帐号可以体验App的全部功能。

4. 安装包检查

Ipa安装包的审核,我们主要检查ipa包的大小、可执行文件的正文段大小和包中每个文件的大小三个方面:三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇

5. 第三方许可证检查

苹果对商标、版权以及专利等第三方材料的审查非常严格,如App涉及第三方的内容,提审时必须提供使用这些内容的授权许可。被拒条款Apps that include the ability to download music or video content from third party sources (e.g. YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, etc) without explicit authorization from those sources will be rejected .(如果没有第三方(YouYube、SoundCloud、Vimeo等媒体类机构)的授权,应用不能提供音乐、视频等资源的下载能力,否则审核会被拒。)被拒案例被拒原因描述:We found that your app allows users to download music or video content without authorization from the relevant third-party sources. Screenshots have been provided for your reference.Next Steps
Please provide documentary evidence of your rights to allow music or video content download from third-party sources. If you do not have the requested permissions, please remove the music or video download functionality from your app. 三步走起 提升 iOS 审核通过率 下篇应对措施应用必须提供授权,否则不能提供音频、视频等资源的下载能力。







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