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技术 2022年11月14日
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In previous postwe have seen how to link two container together by using `–link`:

# docker run -d --name my-mongodb mongo
# docker run -d -p : --link my-mongodb:mongodb --name nodeapp danwahlin/node

In this poist, we are going to see how to create brige network, and link contianer inside network.

First, we can create a network:

docker network create --driver bridge isolated_network

We can inspect our network:

docker network inspect isolated_network

Once we add container into network, this command is helpful.

Run the MongoDB container and link it into network, also give it a name ‘mongodb’

docker run -d --net=isolated_network --name mongodb mongo

Run the nodejs container and link it to network, also give it a name ‘nodeapp’:

docker run -d -p : --net=isolated_network --name nodeapp danwalin/node

Linking container into network is useful for tow or three containers, but once we have more containers, it is not convenient to write so many command lines to get job done. Instead we can use Docker Compose for this task.

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