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技术 2022年11月15日
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Lake Counting

Time Limit: 1000MS     Memory Limit: 65536K

Total Submissions: 17917     Accepted: 9069


Due to recent rains, water has pooled in various places in Farmer John’s field, which is represented by a rectangle of N x M (1 <= N <= 100; 1 <= M <= 100) squares. Each square contains either water (‘W’) or dry land (‘.’). Farmer John would like to figure out how many ponds have formed in his field. A pond is a connected set of squares with water in them, where a square is considered adjacent to all eight of its neighbors.
Given a diagram of Farmer John’s field, determine how many ponds he has.


Line 1: Two space-separated integers: N and M
Lines 2..N+1: M characters per line representing one row of Farmer John’s field. Each character is either ‘W’ or ‘.’. The characters do not have spaces between them.


Line 1: The number of ponds in Farmer John’s field.

Sample Input

10 12

Sample Output



从任意的W开始,不停地把邻接的部分用’.’代替。 1次DFS后与初始的这个W连接的所有W就都被替
换成了’.’,因此直到图中不再存在W为止,总共进行DFS的次数就是答案了。 8个方向共对应了8种

#include<stdio.h>#define MAX_N 105#define MAX_M 105char field[MAX_N][MAX_M];int N,M;void dfs(int x,int y){    int dx,dy,nx,ny;    field[x][y] = '.'; //将现在位置替换为'.';     for (dx = -1;dx < 2;dx++)  //遍历移动的8个方向    {        for (dy = -1;dy < 2;dy++)        {            nx = x + dx,ny = y + dy;            if (0 <= nx && nx < N && 0 <= ny && ny < M && field[nx][ny] == 'W')            {                                   //判断(nx,ny)是不是在园子内                dfs(nx,ny);            }        }    }}int main(){    int i,j,res = 0;    char tmp;    scanf("%d%d",&N,&M);    getchar();    for (i=0;i<N;i++)    {        for (j=0;j<M;j++)        {            scanf("%c",&field[i][j]);            if (j==M-1)            {                scanf("%c",&tmp);            }        }    }    for (i = 0;i < N;i++)    {        for (j = 0;j < M;j++)        {            if (field[i][j] == 'W')            {                dfs(i,j);                res++;            }        }    }    printf("%d\n",res);    return 0;}
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