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技术 2022年11月15日
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// Scopers help you manage ownership of a pointer, helping you easily manage the
// a pointer within a scope, and automatically destroying the pointer at the
// end of a scope. There are two main classes you will use, which coorespond
// to the operators new/delete and new[]/delete[].
// Example usage (scoped_ptr):
// {
// scoped_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo("wee"));
// } // foo goes out of scope, releasing the pointer with it.
// {
// scoped_ptr<Foo> foo; // No pointer managed.
// foo.reset(new Foo("wee")); // Now a pointer is managed.
// foo.reset(new Foo("wee2")); // Foo("wee") was destroyed.
// foo.reset(new Foo("wee3")); // Foo("wee2") was destroyed.
// foo->Method(); // Foo::Method() called.
// foo.get()->Method(); // Foo::Method() called.
// SomeFunc(foo.release()); // SomeFunc takes owernship, foo no longer
// // manages a pointer.
// foo.reset(new Foo("wee4")); // foo manages a pointer again.
// foo.reset(); // Foo("wee4") destroyed, foo no longer
// // manages a pointer.
// } // foo wasn't managing a pointer, so nothing was destroyed.
// Example usage (scoped_array):
// {
// scoped_array<Foo> foo(new Foo[100]);
// foo.get()->Method(); // Foo::Method on the 0th element.
// foo[10].Method(); // Foo::Method on the 10th element.
// }



class MyFoo : public base::RefCounted<MyFoo> {
};MyFoo *foo = new MyFoo;

// foo has been delete


// A scoped_ptr<T> is like a T*, except that the destructor of scoped_ptr<T>
// automatically deletes the pointer it holds (if any).
// That is, scoped_ptr<T> owns the T object that it points to.
// Like a T*, a scoped_ptr<T> may hold either NULL or a pointer to a T object.
// Also like T*, scoped_ptr<T> is thread-compatible, and once you
// dereference it, you get the threadsafety guarantees of T.
// The size of a scoped_ptr is small:
// sizeof(scoped_ptr<C>) == sizeof(C*)
template <class C>
class scoped_ptr {
public: // The element type
typedef C element_type; // Constructor. Defaults to intializing with NULL.
// There is no way to create an uninitialized scoped_ptr.
// The input parameter must be allocated with new.
explicit scoped_ptr(C* p = NULL) : ptr_(p) { } // Destructor. If there is a C object, delete it.
// We don't need to test ptr_ == NULL because C++ does that for us.
~scoped_ptr() {
enum { type_must_be_complete = sizeof(C) };
delete ptr_;
} // Reset. Deletes the current owned object, if any.
// Then takes ownership of a new object, if given.
// this->reset(this->get()) works.
void reset(C* p = NULL) {
if (p != ptr_) {
enum { type_must_be_complete = sizeof(C) };
delete ptr_;
ptr_ = p;
} // Accessors to get the owned object.
// operator* and operator-> will assert() if there is no current object.
C& operator*() const {
assert(ptr_ != NULL);
return *ptr_;
C* operator->() const {
assert(ptr_ != NULL);
return ptr_;
C* get() const { return ptr_; } // Comparison operators.
// These return whether two scoped_ptr refer to the same object, not just to
// two different but equal objects.
bool operator==(C* p) const { return ptr_ == p; }
bool operator!=(C* p) const { return ptr_ != p; } // Swap two scoped pointers.
void swap(scoped_ptr& p2) {
C* tmp = ptr_;
ptr_ = p2.ptr_;
p2.ptr_ = tmp;
} // Release a pointer.
// The return value is the current pointer held by this object.
// If this object holds a NULL pointer, the return value is NULL.
// After this operation, this object will hold a NULL pointer,
// and will not own the object any more.
C* release() {
C* retVal = ptr_;
ptr_ = NULL;
return retVal;
} private:
C* ptr_; // Forbid comparison of scoped_ptr types. If C2 != C, it totally doesn't
// make sense, and if C2 == C, it still doesn't make sense because you should
// never have the same object owned by two different scoped_ptrs.
template <class C2> bool operator==(scoped_ptr<C2> const& p2) const;
template <class C2> bool operator!=(scoped_ptr<C2> const& p2) const; // Disallow evil constructors
scoped_ptr(const scoped_ptr&);
void operator=(const scoped_ptr&);


Foo *ptr = nullptr;
scoped_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo);
ptr = foo.release(); // ptr get obj;
assert(ptr != nullptr);
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