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技术 2022年11月15日
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Promotion in the Windows Store  In this article, I walk through how to Give your Store listing a makeover, Start measuring your success(using the Visual Studio Application Insights SDK in your app), and Start promoting your APP.

Live Tiles and Notifications In this article, I walk through how to Sending adaptive and interactive toast notifications, and Implementing adaptive Live Tiles.

Cortana Integration In this article, I walk through What exactly is Cortana? Have a conversation with Cortana.   How should my app interact with Cortana?

Responsive UI In this article, I walk through how to Make your app look great on any size screen or window

Inking & Speech  In this article, I walk through how to Use inking and speech to support natural input

Dynamically detect features  In this article, I walk through how to Detect features, not OS or devices, Detecting with API contracts

Cross-app communication In this article, I walk through how to deep-link apps, set up logic sharing between apps, and implement drag-and-drop concepts.

Adding polish to improve the look and feel of your app    Alignment , Simplify your user flow , Making your design responsive

If you’re looking for inspiration, there are many free color palettes to choose from online, such as https://color.adobe.com and COLOURlovers.com, a community where people create and share their own palettes. Other excellent sites for swatches and schemes are Coolors and Palleton.

Optimizing Your App for Performance

1.      Recompile your apps for Windows 10

2.      Use the Visual Studio profiler to measure and track performance

3.      List UI Virtualization

4.      Image rendering optimization

5.      Ensure your text is on the fast path

6.      Reduce the size of the Visual Tree

7.      Data binding optimization

Building Secure Apps  In this article, I walk through From passwords to Microsoft Passport , Connecting securely to your web services , Securing data on the device

这里还有一个增量添加的:ISupportIncrementalLoading interface https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/windows/apps/Hh701916?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

sample :https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Data-Binding-7b1d67b5

日期:2022-11-24 点赞:878 阅读:8,983
Educational Codeforces Round 11 C. Hard Process 二分
C. Hard Process题目连接:http://www.codeforces.com/contest/660/problem/CDes…
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:807 阅读:5,500
下载Ubuntn 17.04 内核源代码
zengkefu@server1:/usr/src$ uname -aLinux server1 4.10.0-19-generic #21…
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可用Active Desktop Calendar V7.86 注册码序列号
可用Active Desktop Calendar V7.86 注册码序列号Name: www.greendown.cn Code: &nb…
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日期:2022-11-24 点赞:512 阅读:7,761
一、Struts2的获取  Struts的官方网站为:http://struts.apache.org/  下载完Struts2的jar包,…
日期:2022-11-24 点赞:671 阅读:4,838